Autogeek Detail Fest

March 19, 2016 – March 21, 2016 all-day
7744 SW Jack James Dr
Stuart, FL 34997

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On March 19th & 20th, 2016, Autogeek will host the 11th annual Detail Fest & Car Show, offering a unique opportunity for car enthusiasts from around the globe to gather and celebrate their shared passion for cars!  Detail Fest is open to the public and will feature car shows, product demonstrations, mini-detailing classes, food vendors and live entertainment. Detail Fest provides a chance for fans and professionals alike to meet industry insiders and celebrities in a fun and casual setting.  Each year, awareness of Detail Fest grows and AutoGeek anticipates a record number of participants and spectators this year.

Detail Fest 2016 Event Hours:

  • Friday, March 18th – “Behind the Scenes”. Come join us and see how Detail Fest is set up right before the big day! Requires purchase of a Detail Fest 2016 admission. Friday is also “Meatball Fest” hosted by Robert DiTerlizzi. For more information please contact Robert at (772) 260-6636. For general inquires on Detail Fest, please call 1-800-869-3011
  • Saturday, March 19th – Saturday Car Show. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Sunday, March 20th – Sunday Car Show.10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Admission to Detail Fest 2016 is $10 for one adult, kids 16 and under are free. The $10 covers all three days. Tickets are non-refundable should there be inclement weather.